Monday, April 17, 2006

Updates & News-in-Brief

First, if you have yet to read my "Screaming into a Box" posts [links below], I recommend that you do so, to avoid calumny and/or misinterpretation in any responses you may send my way. The next post or two will refer to topics covered more in-depth there.

Screaming into a box - intro
Screaming into a box - revisited - I
Screaming into a box - revisited - II

I received a number of invitations in response to one of my last posts - most of which involved insertion of an iBook into orifices it was never meant to be placed. If you responded thoughtfully, I happily allow your comment to appear, if not, I moderate it straight into the trash. I welcome intelligent, thoughtful responses, but not flamebait. Don't take it personally: I don't allow my students to hand me thoughtless, rote-response driven trash, I request that they provide evidence and discussion. A. Nonny Mouse, who responds with aggressive, well-thought-out statements, even if we disagree on several points, is allowed in every time.

Second, if you reach this page most frequently via my homepage, you may notice some changes there, as well. I finally updated much of it and posted the base structure, but many pages have yet to be added, so there will be broken links. My links page will be under construction continually, but I invite bloggers and essayists to submit their links to me via e-mail from the contact page. If I read it and like it, I'll post your site. The link to my homepage is I'm working on an easy response form through which you can send a link without having to open your e-mail, but my University contains a high number of computer nerds, and the cgi servers are expanding. It'll be a while.

Third, and final - from this point forward, in a number of entries, I'll probably refer to a paper, article, or other document I've created for academic purposes. Because of the limits of the weblog format, there is no possible way to include the necessary information, discussion, and citation involved in a scholarly paper. If you see a parenthetical citation such as the following:
(Berg )
The blue will indicate a link to a document (as I post them on my site) or an e-mail address, at which you can contact me and read the entire piece. I should tell you now that all links, whether noted thus or not, are covered by the same Creative Commons License seen in the right hand navigation bar.
currently playing on miPod - "Pennsylvania 65000" - Glen Miller

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I received a number of invitations in response to one of my last posts - most of which involved insertion of an iBook into orifices it was never meant to be placed."

Makeshift laptop docking port sans electrical outlet?